About LSSG
The Leafy Spurge Stakeholders Group (LSSG) is a broad coalition of agricultural and conservation groups and all three levels of government. The group was formed in the fall of 1998 to examine the issues and impacts of leafy spurge. In 2010 LSSG transferred its organization under the umbrella of the Invasive Species Council of Manitoba. The LSSG strives to increase awareness of leafy spurge among the general public, landowners/managers and governments.
The goals of the LSSG are:
- to design a process whereby an integrated and comprehensive approach to a province-wide strategy can be effectively and efficiently implemented
- to design a strategy or strategies to reduce levels of leafy spurge infestation in those areas of the province most severely affected.
The LSSG aims to coordinate and provide support to stakeholder agencies in order to enhance and promote research activities and knowledge transfer. This is accomplished through identifying current and further potential for research activities and demonstration. The LSSG provides to landowners/managers information from which they can design appropriate programs for control and management of leafy spurge on their properties.
Additional documents and information are available for download through this website.
Stakeholder Members
The Leafy Spurge Stakeholder Group consists of representatives of the following organizations:
- Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
- Agri-Environment Services Branch
- Canadian Forces Base Shilo
- Canadian Wildlife Service
- Ducks Unlimited
- Keystone Agricultural Producers
- Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives
- Manitoba Beef Producers Association
- Manitoba Conservation
- Manitoba Forage Council
- Manitoba Habitat Heritage Corporation
- Manitoba Intergovernmental Affairs-Manitoba Transportation & Government Services
- Manitoba Sheep Association
- Manitoba Water Services Board
- Manitoba Weed Supervisors Association
- Midland Vegetation Management Inc.
- Nature Conservancy of Canada
- Rural Development Institute - Brandon University
- Spruce Woods Provincial Park
LSSG Executive/Steering Committee members are as follows:
Co-chair, Jane Thornton, (Manitoba Agriculture, Food & Rural Initiatives)
Co-chair, Elaine Gauer, (Manitoba Agriculture, Food & Rural Initiatives)
Glen Campbell (Manitoba Beef Producers)
John Johnston (Manitoba Weed Supervisors
Julie Pelc, (Nature Conservancy of Canada, Manitoba Region)
Sherry Punak-Murphy, (CFB Shilo)
Brad Kennedy, (Parkland Habitat Project)
ISCM, Coordinating Officer